Think to Yourself – It's All About ME!

I know what you’re thinking…what do you mean it’s all about me? Isn’t it all about Jesus? NO!

Before you send me that nasty e-mail, let me explain. How you enter your Awana club (or ministry) to minister to children has a BIG impact on whether or not the children see Jesus.

Are you stressed from your day? Are you overly focused on logistics for the night? Do you have that passion to reach the children for Jesus?

If you are not in the right frame of mind, or if you have not prepared properly, it will impact the children and others around you, and maybe not in a positive way, for Jesus.

When we are in the right frame of mind, and right with God, then the children will see Jesus in us. Isn’t that the goal, to show them Jesus?

So when you are preparing to minister to the children, take a moment to spend time with God and ask Him to prepare your heart, to get you in a position for the children to see Him as you minister to them.

So it is all about YOU! Make sure people see Jesus in YOU!

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