Ideas for First Time Visitors

We all encourage clubbers to bring a friend to our club yet it is an area that several clubs struggle. Here are some ideas to utilize, whether from a bring a friend night, or any night of the year that you can use to engage your first time visitors.

If you have an idea that you would like to share, please send it to me using the contact us tab on the top of the page. Any ideas submitted MUST be an original idea and not one taken from a publication.

Awana Theater

At sign-in, we give a theater ticket to every visitor and the clubber who brought him or her. At a designated time, those with tickets go to the theater where they enjoy popcorn and lemonade while learning more about Awana. We show a short video that presents the gospel, then have a leader give the plan of salvation using the Evangecube. Our clubbers love the theater, so they bring a lot of friends, and it ensures that all visitors hear the gospel.

Friendship Tree

You can pick one month, or use this all year long. Decorate the branches of an artificial (so we can slide it into a closet for the next week) tree with prizes: lizard key chains, glow pens, glow-in-the-dark ceiling stickers, jump ropes. When a clubber brings a visitor, he or she gets to choose a prize from the tree. The friend receives a visitor’s pack that also includes a prize.