T&T Handbook Time Basics

T&T is broken into two groups, or clubs. Ultimate Adventure for 3rd & 4th graders and Ultimate Challenge for 5th & 6th graders.

When a child first attends the club, they receive the appropriate entrance booklet. The booklet is called the Start Zone. They are different for each club.

  • The Ultimate Adventure Start Zone is blue and approximately 5-1/2″ x 8-1/2″ in size.
  • The Ultimate Challenge Start Zone is smaller, approximately 3″ x 6″ in size.

While they are similar, they are different and you should be sure to use the appropriate one for the club the child is attending.

Upon Completion of the “Start Zone”, the child earns the privilege to purchase a uniform and handbook (some clubs provide these items free are as part of a registration fee – funding a club will be covered elsewhere). The 3rd or 4th grade child will receive the Ultimate Adventure Book 1 and the 5th or 6th grader will receive the Ultimate Challenge Book 1 to begin the club.

It is the goal to have the child complete one handbook per year, however not all children will do that. If a 3rd grader or 5th grader has not completed their handbook by the end of the club year, then they will continue in their handbooks the following year.

A 4th grader moving into 5th grade will move into the Ultimate Challenge club and begin with those books. Awana notes that a clubber moving from 4th to 5th grade into the club does not have to do the Ultimate Challenge Start Zone, as a new clubber would. Per Awana, the child can begin with the Ultimate Challenge Book 1. (Personal note: I recommend having all children start the Ultimate Challenge club with the Start Zone. For the 4th graders moving up to 5th grade, it serves as a good review of the some of the things they learned in the Ultimate Adventure club.)

Near where the leader signs the books, it lists what is required to complete the section. A club is allowed 2 helps per section, not verse, and I will cover “helps” in another mini-workshop.

A 3rd or 5th grader does not move into Book 2 of their respective club. If they complete their books before the end of the year, there are extra credit items that can be completed (see mini-workshop on that). A 4th or 6th grader may move into Book 2 of their club upon completion of Book 1.

Note that the Silver and Gold sections are NOT required for the handbook to be completed.