2019 Call to Prayer – Pray for the Future of Awana

Throughout the day we have prayed for wisdom for senior leadership and for those involved in Awana at various levels. Awana has been greatly impacted by the events of the last few months and Awana may not realize the full impact for several months.

Pray for the future of Awana. Your local club, your region, Awana Headquarter personnel, and those in Awana around the world.

Pray for wisdom in the decisions that are made. Pray for peace. Pray that God will be seen in all we do in and through Awana. Pray for Awana as they come out of this season of disruption and move

Awana has the Word of God at its foundation and we know from Psalm 119:105 that, “Thy [God’s] word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” May Awana use that light of the Word as they walk this path called life.

Pray that Awana will have a good balance of ministry and business. Pray that Awana (HQ and the local club) be good stewards of what God has given.

Pray for the future of Awana, that it will continue to see God’s blessing as it reaches millions with the good news of Jesus, giving them hope in Him. Pray that Awana may reach it’s one time goal of reaching 10 million children with the Gospel.

Pray for Awana specifically in the U.S. as culture is shifting, that Awana will continue to be a light in a dark world.

I want to reiterate what I shared in the post with the hourly focuses…

Psalm 107:28-30 Then they cried to the LORD in their trouble, and he delivered them from their distress. He made the storm be still, and the waves of the sea were hushed. Then they were glad that the waters were quiet, and he brought them to their desired haven

We have cried out to the Lord today as Awana faced a struggle and I believe that God will calm the seas and lead Awana out of these troubled waters into where He would have them to be.  Pray for the journey that God has prepared Awana for in this time. Pray for the journey that Awana is about to embark.

As we conclude this day of focused prayer, I want to encourage you, to plead you, to continue to pray for Awana daily. You may opt to have a daily prayer focus for Awana: Awana HQ Leadership, Awana Customer Care, Awana Missionaries (how about your local missionary), your local club, its leaders and families.

James 5:16: “The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.”

I believe that we will see God to continue to do great things through Awana, if we pray believing.

How about you? Do you believe that God can and will do great things in and through Awana?

If so, please support Awana by keep them in prayer daily going forward, and if possible, by financially supporting your local missionary.