Handbook Time: Fun or Frenzy?

By Katherine Cooper LEADER PREPARATION Begins before club night! Pray for each Clubber before class and during the week Know your handbook! Be familiar with the handbooks and requirements Work through the handbooks with the clubbers CLUBBER PREPARATION Challenge them! Outside club—5 Minute Challenge Train them! Spiritual Success Let aggressive clubbers help other clubbers who … [Read more…]

T&T Handbook Time Basics

T&T is broken into two groups, or clubs. Ultimate Adventure for 3rd & 4th graders and Ultimate Challenge for 5th & 6th graders. When a child first attends the club, they receive the appropriate entrance booklet. The booklet is called the Start Zone. They are different for each club. The Ultimate Adventure Start Zone is … [Read more…]

Getting the Most out of Handbook Time

By Chris Solaas Don’t know what to do with Clubbers who’ve said their sections? Too busy dealing with Fidget and Gabby to listen to sections? Need some extra help during section time getting kids ready to say their sections? Try some of these ideas on for size! Symptoms of the Problem (Is your handbook time … [Read more…]