Appleseed Special Day 3 – Easter

We are providing this resource for you to have “Awana at Home” as we are unable to meet during this time. We hope this helps you work with your child in their Cubbie handbook.

The videos were recorded as if we were presenting it to our Cubbies, not production quality. Minor imperfections were worked through just as they would be on a typical club night with no re-takes.

Lesson: Easter

Verse: 1 Corinthians 15:4 (ESV): … He was raised on the third day, in accordance with the Scriptures.
(Short version is in bold.)

The Big Apple: Easter is the celebration of Jesus’ death and coming alive again three days later. Because of this, we will one day live with Him forever if we trust Him as our Savior.

Coming in Time: Foam, or paper, Cross

Cut crosses from foam sheets (or card stock or poster board)
Write “Jesus loves (child’s name)” in the center of each cross. Let your child decorate the crosses using various art supplies like stickers, markers, crayons, glitter, and glue.



  • Review the A & C of Cubbies
    • A is for All – for all have sinned, Romans 3:23
    • C if for Christ – While we were still sinners, Christ died for us, Romans 5:8
  • Ask your cubbie if they know the Cubbie motto: Jesus loves me
  • Ask your cubbie if they know the Cubbie key verse: 1 John 4:10, …God…loved us and sent His Son…
  • Sing the Cubbie theme song


Puppet Skit



Appleseed Special Day 3 Activity Sheet (pdf)

Playtime: He’s Alive relay

Stand behind a starting line. On the signal, have your child run a lap, then tag you, or a sibling,  and say, “He’s alive!” Repeat until everyone has run at least one lap. Remind the your child that Mary Magdalene and other women friends of Jesus ran to tell the disciples the news that Jesus had risen.

Prayer: This can be the normal time you might pray or to wrap up the lesson. Ask your child if they have anything to thank God for or to pray for, and then have a time of prayer, encouraging your child to pray as well.

Take time to learn the verse with your child and when they have learned it, sign the blank for the parent signature.

Thank you for taking time to work with your child in their Cubbie handbook.