Appleseed Special Day 4 – Missions

We are providing this resource for you to have “Awana at Home” as we are unable to meet during this time. We hope this helps you work with your child in their Cubbie handbook.

The videos were recorded as if we were presenting it to our Cubbies, not production quality. Minor imperfections were worked through just as they would be on a typical club night with no re-takes.

Lesson: Missions

Verse: Acts 1:8: But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be My witnesses ….
(Short version is in bold.)

The Big Apple: Jesus gave the disciples the power of the Holy Spirit so they could be witnesses for Him. We have the Holy Spirit so we can be witnesses too!

Coming in Time: Foam, or paper, Cross

What You Need
• Construction paper
• Stapler
• Crayons
• Glue sticks
• Set of gospel pictures for each child
• Pairs of child-sized scissors

Children are often braver about sharing their faith than adults. This is a craft that will help Cubbies witness to their family and friends.

Fold one piece of construction paper in half for your child. Use this set of gospel pictures. Color the pictures, cut them out and glue them into the book in the proper numerical order. As they work, read the captions for each picture:

1. All have sinned.
2. Christ died for our sins.
3. On the third day, Christ came alive again.
4. Everyone who trusts in Christ will be saved from sin.

Let your child practice saying the captions with you. In this way, they “read” the book. Encourage your child to read their books to a friend or family member.



  • Review the A & C of Cubbies
    • A is for All – for all have sinned, Romans 3:23
    • C if for Christ – While we were still sinners, Christ died for us, Romans 5:8
  • Ask your cubbie if they know the Cubbie motto: Jesus loves me
  • Ask your cubbie if they know the Cubbie key verse: 1 John 4:10, …God…loved us and sent His Son…
  • Sing the Cubbie theme song


Puppet Skit



Appleseed Special Day 4 Activity Sheet (pdf)

Playtime: Missions Obstacle Course

Ideas for What You’ll Need
• Boat paddles or blue rug
• Pillows
• Chairs
• Children’s crawling tube
• Two jump ropes
• Stuffed animals
• Dolls

Explain that Christ tells all of us to be witnesses wherever we live, but God sends some Christians out as missionaries. These missionaries go to a certain place or group of people to be a witness. Sometimes the people can be far away and traveling may be hard. Lead your child on an imaginary missionary adventure. Pretend to row a boat across the ocean (blue rug or paddles). Walk through a forest (several chairs to zigzag around). Climb over a mountain (pile of pillows). Crawl through the jungle (crawling tube). Wade through a river (two parallel jump ropes). Quietly tiptoe past the sleeping wild animals (stuffed animals). Find a group of people who have never heard about Jesus (dolls). Have your child use the Gospel book you made earlier to share with this group of people.

Prayer: This can be the normal time you might pray or to wrap up the lesson. Ask your child if they have anything to thank God for or to pray for, and then have a time of prayer, encouraging your child to pray as well. You can ask God to help you tell others about Jesus.

Take time to learn the verse with your child and when they have learned it, sign the blank for the parent signature.

Thank you for taking time to work with your child in their Cubbie handbook.