The NEW Sparks Leader Handbook Review

I first heard about the new Sparks’ Leader Handbook last fall during an Awana Ministry Conference when I was talking with Chris Marchand. He was excited about this new resource that Awana was about to provide. I was intrigued and eager to get a look at this resource.

That time has finally arrived as the copy that I ordered arrived today. I must not have read the description well because I was surprised by its size. For reference, it is comparable in size to a T&T small group guide.

I wondered how it might compare to the discontinued Flight Plan Leader Books. Was it simply a re-write or those books into one volume?

Here are my observations:

The previous Flight Plan books were “version-generic” meaning you could use them with any version of the Sparks handbooks you, or the clubber, used. The books were generic guides for leaders to help the clubbers. The new Sparks Leader Handbook is available specifically in each of the four Bible versions that Awana utilizes.

I was pleasantly surprised to see that the Sparks Leader Handbook was not just a rewrite of the former Flight Plan books. The books are truly designed to help you with your Sparks clubber during small group time.

The Leader Handbook includes resources for every section in the Sparks handbook and Flight 3:16 to help you as you disciple your clubbers.

The book is divided by handbook and each section of the handbooks encompass two pages. The left side is the leader help page, and the right side is the kid help page.

The leader help page has a small copy of the actual section with the page numbers that the section is found in the clubber’s handbook, a leader tip, guidance on upcoming awards, definitions, what the kids are required to do and what the lesson is about. On the kids page is a resource to help them learn the verse and complete the section as well as discussion questions for the leader to engage with the child.

The beginning of the book has good information to help you as a leader, and in the appendix is information to help you use the Gospel Wheel to share the Gospel with the Sparks, shortened verses for all of the handbooks, and alternatives to the bring a friend section.

If I could improve one thing, it might be to increase the number of tabs in the book. Currently the tabs are Flight 3:16, HangGlider, WingRunner, SkyStormer, and Appendix which are of course color coded. What I would have liked to have seen would be tabs for each jewel (Red Jewel 1, Green Jewel 1, etc) in the handbooks to make it easier to flip to the section the clubber is working on during small group time.

Overall I am very pleased with the new Sparks Leader Handbook.

Have you seen the Sparks Leader Handbook? I am interested in your thoughts, please share them by commenting on this post.


One Comment

  1. Tina

    Thank you for the sample photo and insight.  I will be thankful for the specific book per version as I personally found the old versions almost insignificant when it didn’t have the verses in it.  😉  Thankful for the resource but will be even more so for the verses being available.  🙂    As far as your comment for the tabs for the jewels, I get it but think that will be easy enough to work around with a simple paper clip – for us anyway as we are using our Together We Serve so a given night’s focus will be on a given section.  🙂  Thankful for it to all be in one book as well for those of us who help in all areas rather than one book group.  🙂

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