What is CommanderBill.net?

Maybe this is your first visit to CommanderBill.net because you heard about it at a training, a conference, a friend told you, or you stumbled upon it looking for Awana resources.

When I began serving in a local Awana club several years ago, I quickly thought “how much more effective could all of the Awana clubs be if they worked together, sharing resources and ideas”. That was the beginning of what is now known as CommanderBill.net.

Initially it was a place for people to share files and documents to help clubs administratively and has grown to what you see today. A place to share items, ideas, information and forms.

The classified section helps you share materials, the forums help you share ideas and the download area helps to share forms. As described by one member, it is like a social network for Awana! That is the goal, a place to network the thousands of people serving in Awana at all levels. While this site is a great resource, do not forget the information and resources provided by Awana on their web site (awana.org). Our site is meant to compliment what Awana is doing. The site is still maintained by one person, me, “Commander Bill”, so if you do not see something right away, please be patient. I am truly humbled by the response the web site has received over the years. Please feel free to provide feedback on the site as that serves to make it a better resource for you and others who visit. If you have resources you would like to share, please let me know and they can be added to the site.

So share this site with others who serve in Awana. Our prayer is that this site will help you in your Awana ministry and ministry to children and youth. If there is anything I might be able to do to help you, please feel free to ask and I will see what I can do.

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